Luxury Agroturismo Hotels Hotique has a selection exclusive Luxury Agroturismo hotels in Ibiza, Mallorca, Majorca in Spain, Sicily - Italy, Santorini - Greece and more.
What is an Agroturismo Hotel? An Agroturismo is the Italian name for a rural country hotel or farmhouse. Forget dusty old houses - today's Agroturismo hotels are as luxurious as you would expect from a 5 star hotel with WiFi and MiniBars in most. Just add a very relaxed atmosphere, stunning views and very personal service. Just the way you want it.
Agroturismo hotels are for when you simply want to kick back and relax - take some time out by the pool, gaze at the countryside and hills - the hardest part is choosing your hotel - pick one to suit your style from Hotique's favourites.
Agroturismo Ibiza
Agroturismo Ibiza: Agroturismo Hotels include Can Domo Agroturismo; Can Gall Agrotursimo and more.
Agroturismo Hotels in Mallorca Agroturismo Hotels in Santorini
View our recommended Agroturismo hotels below.