.jpg) Yoga
practitioner Artlette Amouyan, born in Beirut and grew up in France offers yoga
classes from Galleria Elefante and private yoga classes for island locals, residents and visitors.
She is loved by her students in Ibiza for her understated expertise and
unpretentious classes. Her classes offer a good "yogic wok out" to
get the energy levels going and are followed by Yoga Nidra - beautiful relaxing
time out for yogis to set their intentions.
She started
yoga training whilst working in her
high-stress fashion job in London 12 years ago and eventually realized her
calling was to practice yoga full time. Her yoga Teacher Training Diploma course (BWY
500 hrs certification) with Tara Fraser introduced her to philosophy, pranayama
and Buddhist style meditation which she incorporates this into her practice.
Arlette's focus is the Ashtanga
Yoga style. Ashtanga Yoga
is traditionally the more dynamic type of Yoga and combines strength and flexibility.
The primary series of Ashtanga Yoga is a powerful and beautifully compiled basis
to work from.
Arlette likes to adapt to her classes and keeps a flexible structure, leaving
space for individual needs and explorative teaching.
Arlette's yoga expertise, understated aura & charming teaching style
The introductory explanations of the purpose of each class
Arlette's low key authentic sound track
The host finca at Galeria Elefante's
"We all have very busy lives - work, family, social events and more... leaving not much time and space for ourselves. This is a chance to take a step back for a moment bringing our minds inward a little. In order to achieve this, we must focus on the body first, through the muscles, joints, articulations and the nervous system. We need the body to be at once loose, flexible and toned, controlled and strong; and finally relax the whole body as well as the mind. This is a goal to work towards, and Yoga is an ideal way to achieve this."
Mondays @ 11.15am - 12.45 Wednesdays @ 11.15am - 12.45
(Opposite Repsol petrol station) Mondays @ 6.15-7.15
Mondays @ 7-8pm Wednesdays @ 6-7pm Call: +34 618 719 391
Easter Weekend 18 - 21 April - Intensive Ashtanga Yoga Workshop 8-10am for a 4 day work shop at Ibizasana We will start from the basis and work in these 4 days towards building a strong foundation and practice on the Primary series of Ashtanga. Working with breath and energy, we will find the right focus, to open up our body, build strength, increase flexibility and understand a little more on what lays beyond the physical practice of Yoga. A great spring immersion to start the season with higher levels of energy, a more flexible, strong and toned body. We will also take time to relax, deeply. Create some space in our minds, slow down for a moment. Possibility to stay on site.
Week Long retreats at Ibizasana 17-24 May 2014: Dynamic Ashtanga - Spring Yoga Retreats 14-21 June 2014: Dynamic Ashtanga – Summer Solstice Yoga retreat Email arlette.yoga@gmail.com for prices & information

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