#rogersavelsberg #ibizagrey #art #vintage
#recycling #whiteislestyle #shabbychic

Roger Savelsberg, brain child of Ibiza Grey started designing his own vintage pieces of
art years before it became a trend. He is a natural at selecting and salvaging wood
- drift wood from beaches, reclaiming wood from ship yards wood, searching forests
and forgotten roots - he has an eye to spot that special piece of wood which
makes each of his pieces stunning pieces of art.

He came to Ibiza with 25 euros in his pocket and a plan to follow his heart and
dreams. One Saturday as he was exhibiting at the San Jordi market, Jade Jagger
commissioned him to design some pieces for her finca and he has not looked back

Passionate, talented and a man of principles, Roger is well renowned on the
island amongst locals, the A list circles, hotels and businesses - his work has
been featured in well renowned magazines and he is in high demand.

If you are lucky enough to book him he will visit your property, understand what you are looking for and he will create a tailor made piece to suit your specific need - from sunbeds and sofas to mirrors, towel rails, bed side tables, cabinets.
Roger's passionate approach to each piece which he personally makes with
His respect for the island and talent to recycle & create beautiful
artistic individual pieces
The "nothing is impossible" mind-set
Call +34 652 584 174